#1 July 3rd, 2004 12:25 AM


Too Slow-weird about Forum

#1.  I belonged to ISM a while back and to get on the forum I had to use my OLD password.

2. Does any one else have problems with 'extremely' SLOW loading pages?  They loaded fast before on this same PC.

Hey, Head ... what gives?


#2 July 3rd, 2004 01:15 PM


Re: Too Slow-weird about Forum

rogdav02 wrote:

#1.  I belonged to ISM a while back and to get on the forum I had to use my OLD password.

2. Does any one else have problems with 'extremely' SLOW loading pages?  They loaded fast before on this same PC.

Hey, Head ... what gives?

It shouldn't be any slower but if others have the same problem we'd like to know about it.  We now automatically enroll ISM sponsors to the Forum so if you've rejoined using the same usename your Forum membership will still have your old one.  That's down to prevent subscribers inheriting personalities of former subscribers.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#3 July 3rd, 2004 04:59 PM


Re: Too Slow-weird about Forum

Head wrote:

It shouldn't be any slower but if others have the same problem we'd like to know about it.  We now automatically enroll ISM sponsors to the Forum so if you've rejoined using the same usename your Forum membership will still have your old one.  That's down to prevent subscribers inheriting personalities of former subscribers.

I believe this could be a problem with cookies stored on your computer.  If you click "Log out" in the forums, it will delete the cookie, then when you log in again, it will ask for your logon.  This happened to me also...


#4 July 3rd, 2004 06:21 PM


Re: Too Slow-weird about Forum

rogdav02 wrote:

#1.  I belonged to ISM a while back and to get on the forum I had to use my OLD password.

2. Does any one else have problems with 'extremely' SLOW loading pages?  They loaded fast before on this same PC.

Hey, Head ... what gives?

It shouldn't be any slower but if others have the same problem we'd like to know about it. We now automatically enroll ISM sponsors to the Forum so if you've rejoined using the same usename your Forum membership will still have your old one. That's down to prevent subscribers inheriting personalities of former subscribers.


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