#1 March 20th, 2005 04:10 AM


What a fucking Ripoff!

The "basic" member gets exactly nothing..........
you can kiss my complete ass


#2 March 20th, 2005 05:54 AM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

I agree with you 100%,,This site is a fucking rip ogg for a regular member...Want my money back.


#3 March 20th, 2005 10:04 AM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

bazboax wrote:

I agree with you 100%,,This site is a fucking rip ogg for a regular member...Want my money back.

I could just delete this thread but I will leave it here because we have nothing to hide, and hopefully it will deter other people like you guys from joining this site and wasting our time.

Look guys, you CHOSE the $9.95 plan, and there was a complete description RIGHT THERE where you clicked the button, and in the FAQ and on the Tour, and it even explains how you can upgrade without losing a single cent.  The plan is there for people to see what a complete folio looks like, and if they come back daily they get 30 folios for thier $9.95 or they can just upgrade and be a regular or Extra member for the same total outlay as anybody else. 

We couldn't possibly make it any clearer.  Do you guys walk into a cafe and just order the cheapest meal without checking to see what it iis?


#4 March 21st, 2005 01:49 AM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

Head wrote:

I could just delete this thread but I will leave it here because we have nothing to hide, and hopefully it will deter other people like you guys from joining this site and wasting our time.

Look guys, you CHOSE the $9.95 plan, and there was a complete description RIGHT THERE where you clicked the button, and in the FAQ and on the Tour, and it even explains how you can upgrade without losing a single cent.  The plan is there for people to see what a complete folio looks like, and if they come back daily they get 30 folios for thier $9.95 or they can just upgrade and be a regular or Extra member for the same total outlay as anybody else. 

We couldn't possibly make it any clearer.  Do you guys walk into a cafe and just order the cheapest meal without checking to see what it iis?

People are funny like that head.  I can read and usually do before I lay my money on the line.  Saves hassle later, and if I am disappointed in what I got, first I compare what was shipped with the description of what I bought.  If there is a difference, it becomes part of my continuing education program.  I am now a PHd level consumer.  (Pretty Hard to Disappoint) and am happy with the ISM extra sponsorship I contribute, it gives me plenty to smile about.

Have I ever lied to you before?


#5 March 21st, 2005 02:27 AM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

voyeur2 wrote:

People are funny like that head.  I can read and usually do before I lay my money on the line.  Saves hassle later, and if I am disappointed in what I got, first I compare what was shipped with the description of what I bought.  If there is a difference, it becomes part of my continuing education program.  I am now a PHd level consumer.  (Pretty Hard to Disappoint) and am happy with the ISM extra sponsorship I contribute, it gives me plenty to smile about.

I'm 100% in agreement with both your's and Head's sentiments. What do people expect for $10? From what I hear that wouldn't buy you 2 minutes on some sites, let alone the plethora of facilities that you get here and I certainly don't begrude my Extra upgrade.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#6 March 21st, 2005 04:26 AM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

bazboax wrote:

I agree with you 100%,,This site is a fucking rip ogg for a regular member...Want my money back.

I considered all the packages from the start and am totally satisfied. You always get what you pay for and here you get so much more. At any level. You folks need to enjoy what you paid for, you wouldn’t get to see as many girls if you bought 10 bucks worth of mags. And you don’t get free videos if you buy a mag so why should you get it here. I love the site so much I am considering getting a life time membership. So piss off you moaners.
A ISM Extra sponsor

The universe is unfolding as it should, and so are the girls on ISM. I love them all.


#7 March 21st, 2005 12:10 PM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

bazboax wrote:

I agree with you 100%,,This site is a fucking rip ogg for a regular member...Want my money back.

Ya know, I've been looking at this post for a couple of days now, and it amazes me for multiple reasons.
1. What is a "rip ogg"?????!
2. "Thanks"?????! for what?
3. If you consider the average daily post (20 to 40 pics), there is the potential to view close to 1,000 pictures of beautiful women in a 30 day period.  Is that a rip off???!  I think not...
4. Quoted by Zackson - "Kiss my complete ass" - this tells me that this person *is* a complete "ass".

Can you say 'grammar' or 'spell check'?

I now digress....

"Look at da Chort?!  He's gone mad wit power!"


#8 March 21st, 2005 06:19 PM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

zimbonies wrote:

Ya know, I've been looking at this post for a couple of days now, and it amazes me for multiple reasons.
1. What is a "rip ogg"?????!

I think it's an audio file format or something.


#9 March 21st, 2005 07:32 PM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

Head wrote:

...  The plan is there for people to see what a complete folio looks like, and if they come back daily they get 30 folios for thier $9.95 or they can just upgrade and be a regular or Extra member for the same total outlay as anybody else.

I say, this works great. I chose the 9.95 way, saw what the folios where like and decided to join. I read what the Text said and was not disappointed to miss one or two folios, for it was my own 'fault'. So I say, hang on, ISM!! You're a great site.


#10 March 21st, 2005 08:59 PM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

sdr70net wrote:

I say, this works great. I chose the 9.95 way, saw what the folios where like and decided to join. I read what the Text said and was not disappointed to miss one or two folios, for it was my own 'fault'. So I say, hang on, ISM!! You're a great site.

sdr -- Welcome aboard!  I can assure you that you will *not* be dissapointed!

"Look at da Chort?!  He's gone mad wit power!"


#11 March 22nd, 2005 12:52 AM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

voyeur2 wrote:

a PHd level consumer. (Pretty Hard to Disappoint)

that's funny! i always enjoy your posts... and also, let me add, springing for the extra 10 bucks every 3 months to become an "extra" member more than triples the fun, in my opinion.

that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#12 April 4th, 2005 05:37 AM


Re: What a fucking Ripoff!

I assume adults can do more than look at erotic pictures, like -- maybe they can read?

I looked, paid me money, took me chances, and got what I expected and paid for.  No hassle here.  Whether I upgrade or not is a different question.  There are many delightful erotic sites out there quite to my taste.  I rarely pay, but sometimes I do.  ( I won't mention other sites here).  I admit to wondering from time to time just how much diversity there really is.  I seem to see many of the same pics from site to site, and certainly the same "art" and drawings and the like.  Sometimes I feel as though I am Tjuana (sp) where I convinced all the different store fronts are owned by the same guy.  :-)

Thanks for the fun of the site.

imouse, LA


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