#1 March 21st, 2005 05:05 PM


ISM Happenings March 21st

Today we farewelled the delicious Merricat, 3 time ISM contributor and one of the original Suicidegirls, who flew over from her USA hideout to learn more about the Project and give us some Beautiful Agony.  Merricat took a camera back to share among her friends and will be sending us more American folios in the upcoming months - or we hope, years.  And of course, a couple more of her own.

Gigi's first folio went to air recently and broke all records for requests, and we can now tell you that her Reload is in the can and will soon join the queue.  Other reloads we hope to receive this week include Lilie and Bianka, who has also promised us a video.

And an 'old girl' came back this week.  After a long overseas holiday, Popple came by to borrow a camera and has turned in a very sexy folio, sporting a fringe this time.

We love it when 'old girls' write to ask if they can submit again - especially when they're in the guise of Pia, who won the Art Prize way back when with one of our all time favourite ISM folios.   Pia confesses she's addicted to Shooting Herself so expect at least another folio, and hopefully a video as well.

Other recent addictees include gorgeous Verity, who tells us she did a shoot at the South Pole.  Yep we know.  Let's just wait and see.



#2 March 21st, 2005 06:17 PM


Re: ISM Happenings March 21st

Head wrote:

Today we farewelled the delicious Merricat, 3 time ISM contributor and one of the original Suicidegirls, who flew over from her USA hideout to learn more about the Project and give us some Beautiful Agony.  Merricat took a camera back to share among her friends and will be sending us more American folios in the upcoming months - or we hope, years.  And of course, a couple more of her own.

Good to hear. Merricat is gorgeous .


#3 March 25th, 2005 04:50 PM


Re: ISM Happenings March 21st

Hello All,
I noticed my name here and I was intrigued what might be being said of me. Recently I have been lucky enough to go on a little adventure in the sky. It was advertised as a sightseeing trip but it turned out to be alot more than that for me. Like anyone else that goes travelling, I brought my camera along with me...and I didn't let it go to waste. It wasn't easy but I managed! Can't wait for people to see it!


#4 March 25th, 2005 05:21 PM


Re: ISM Happenings March 21st

verity wrote:

Hello All,
Can't wait for people to see it!

After your awesome artistry with 'girl in a box' & your well-deserved monthly recognition, I'm anxious to see your reload. I've always heard about the Mile High Club for some adventurous souls in the sky... I may join abbywinters just to enjoy your folio there, too, verity.


#5 March 26th, 2005 04:18 AM


Re: ISM Happenings March 21st

Oh man, I miss you guys already! But I've already started working on chasing up those girls, so hooray!


#6 March 26th, 2005 09:19 PM


Re: ISM Happenings March 21st

Merricat wrote:

Oh man, I miss you guys already! But I've already started working on chasing up those girls, so hooray!

You are also sorely missed Merricat. Don't chase too hard, we don't want you worn out before you get around to your return and another folio :-)

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