Smrapp says...
Come back Kirstine! Such a great first folio, I love the Free Daily Images as reminders of the beautiful women who share their photos!!!
8:42AM Sep 8th 2018
DDalex says...
Marvelous shoot, beautiful photos... and so you are! I like the colors, blue/white tones, and light of the inside pics. Outside, the green of the trees contrast so well with your skin, just magnificent. You are stunning on every photo but #11 is a wow! one. Can stop my heart going faster )
4:28PM Mar 13th 2018
redbird says...
KEWTTT!!! Thank you for braving great heights to take some stunning photos. xo
12:32AM Feb 8th 2018
dotspal says...
So wonderful, thank you!!
9:18AM Jan 23rd 2018