Ursula_G says...
Impressive, so beautifully composed. No tengo palabras!
1:00PM Jan 26th 2021
Mikaela says...
Wow, what an absolutely incredible shoot. The way you have used the mirror is incredible. Thanks for sharing with us Sureau!
9:26PM Dec 10th 2020
jeanchristophe says...
de l'art et beaucoup de talent!! des couleurs si harmonieuses.! Des yeux a en perdre la raison.Et que dire de la decouverte de tant d'intimite? Elle nous envahit d'emotions et.. de desirs..
6:35AM Dec 7th 2020
Piper_A says...
Sureau! I am blown away by this incredible folio. Every image is breathtaking and artful - you have captured your body in such an ethereal, fascinating way. I hope we see more shoots from you <3
5:54PM Dec 6th 2020
theconia3 says...
Sureau, this is the first folio where I can honestly say that I didn't want to get to the last photoI wanted the photos to go on forever. Your natural beauty and your photographic genius will make a permanent mark on my brain. Bravo and thank you for sharing.
7:28AM Dec 6th 2020
Carmen_V says...
Gosh this shoot is stunning Sureau!! You look so dreamy with those shades of purple mingled together. My favourite has to be shot 017, spectacular composition.
12:38AM Dec 6th 2020