00:47 - APR 24 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Creo que esta es una buena oportunidad para mostrar todo como se nos ocurra. Quise aprovecharlo y sacarme la ropa, para mí misma y para ustedes, los que me vean. Sacarme fotos me hace sentir bien, linda, deseada, y si es sin ropa mejor aún. Me encanta estar desnuda! I think this is a good opportunity to show everything as comes to mind. I wanted to use it and take my clothes off, to myself and to you, the people who see me. Shooting myself makes me feel good, beautiful, desired, and if there are no clothes, better. I love being naked!

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Constanza 'abandonada'
26 Oct 14
ZIP - 42 images
birthplace: Peru.
age: 33.
relationship status: Soltera/Single.
starsign: Aries.
biggest passion in my life: Mi pelo, tenerlo largo y lindo/My hair, having it long and beautiful.
I like to listen to: los fuegos artificiales en las fiestas/fireworks in Christmas and New Year.
I like to watch: hombres que pasan caminando/the men who walk.
I like to smell: los plásticos nuevos/new plastics.
I like to taste: las hamburguesas de McDonalds/McDonalds' hamburgers.
I like to feel: los abrazos de mis amigas/My friends' hugs.
favourite part of my body: Mis tetas/My boobs.
favourite part of someone else's body: El pene, obvio/The penis, obviously.
Why i shot myself: Porque me gusta mostrar mi cuerpo/Because I like showing my body.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Mi hermano/My brother.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My best friend and my mother!
my website/fav website: Facebook.
Most outrageous thing I have done: Saltar en paracaidas/Parachute jumping.
Bands I like: Wawancó, Los Últimos Héroes, BB King.
Books I like: Las Cincuentas sombras de Grey, Una pasión latina, La casa de los sentidos.
Films I like: Volver al futuro, Yo, Robot, El efecto mariposa.
other random stuff: Dormir acompañada/Sleeping accompanied.