nc7niterider says...
Thanks for coming back. The video shows off your beautiful body. Please do more.
11:23PM May 13th 2006
markwrx says...
The shaving thing is a big debate! Frankly, some women look better with pubic hair. Some women who shave make it look good, but I wonder if they shave because they like it, or because (some) guys think it's sexy? I prefer either natural or trimmed, but your mileage may vary.
7:07AM May 4th 2006
mlwade says...
Well, I've not examined the pubic regions of any 12 year olds, so I'm not qualified, as some viewers appear to be, to confirm or falsify your claim about adult women who shave. My view is each woman who wishes to shave should do so and each who does not should not. I say to them--your bodies, your choices!!
6:33AM May 4th 2006
hinkshinks says...
I think you're fashioning of your pubic hair is very sexy. Changing colors is a crack up. Now all I want to know is can you fashion your pubes into an "H"! Oh well, I guess I can dream.
5:40PM May 3rd 2006
Helium says...
Even if the color didn't come out exactly right, you're still flawlessly beautiful!
3:40PM May 3rd 2006
DMBast says...
How I LOVE a woman--especially a young one--who appreciates the eroticism of pubic hair. Too many are shaved today so that they indeed DO look like "little 12-year-olds" as you say. Yours is lovely. Please never shave it again.
2:28PM May 3rd 2006